Sanctions Watch : Spotlight on Individuals Sanctioned for Serious Corruption

our work

We campaign against individuals and the structures that enable asset theft, we support cross-border civil society cooperation on asset recovery and we develop the expertise of civil society to be strong voices across the globe on asset theft
Go to Our strategy

Our strategy

Our 2024-2027 strategy aims to expand the actors engaged in asset recovery & push forward global debates

Go to Sanctions Watch

Sanctions Watch

Sanctions Watch documents the people subject to anti-corruption sanctions and provides in-depth research into their use

Go to Investigate


Our investigate programme supports journalists to investigate illicit financial flows and asset recovery

What is cifar

We are a global civil society organisation fighting the theft of state assets

CiFAR’s vision is a world where public officials are unable to steal public money and hide it overseas. Our mission is to end cross-border corruption and to ensure transparency and accountability in asset recovery. We do this through supporting civil society across the globe to be a strong and effective actor on stolen assets. We provide civil society with the skills, knowledge and network to advocate, campaign and investigate cases where public and private officials are complicit in the illicit removal of public goods to private ownership across country borders. We also ensure that civil society can be an active voice in ensuring the return and monitoring the use of confiscated stolen assets. We campaign against individuals and the structures that enable asset theft, we support cross-border civil society cooperation on asset recovery and we develop the expertise of civil society to be strong voices across the globe on asset theft.

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