A Framework for the Distribution of Recovered Assets to Communities in Kenya

Read the full policy brief Kenya’s efforts in combatting economic crimes in recent years have yielded significant recoveries both internationally and domestically. Several cases instituted by law enforcement agencies concerning the proceeds of economic crimes are currently ongoing in the courts, including some linked to county governments. With the decentralization of administrative powers to counties, as Read more about <strong>A Framework for the Distribution of Recovered Assets to Communities in Kenya</strong>[…]

Sanctions Watch: Spotlight on Individuals Sanctioned for Serious Corruption

 11.07.2024 Website update The first half of 2024 saw nine new individuals fall under various sanction systems for corrupt acts. With this latest update to the Sanctions Watch website, we are highlighting some particularly notorious cases.  Updates summary Several jurisdictions have imposed anti-corruption sanctions on high-ranking public officials accused of embezzling funds from their citizens. Read more about Sanctions Watch: Spotlight on Individuals Sanctioned for Serious Corruption[…]

Asset Management in Kenya

Over the past decade, Kenya has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to prioritizing asset recovery within its broader anti-corruption and anti-money laundering initiatives. Recognizing these efforts, the 2022 Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) Mutual Evaluation Report by the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) commended the government’s strides in enhancing both institutional and legislative frameworks. Read more about Asset Management in Kenya[…]

New project spotlight: Corruption in Paradise

How is illicit finance affecting the housing market in cities, what can cities do to challenge illicit financial flows that are affecting their real estate markets and what is the role of real estate agents in this? While these are typically questions thought of in global financial centres – think London, Paris or Hong Kong Read more about <strong>New project spotlight: Corruption in Paradise</strong>[…]

Strengthening Asset Recovery in Africa: Multistakeholder Dialogue on the Implementation of CAPAR and Asset Recovery Initiatives

The CAPAR Civil Society Network, Civil Forum for Asset Recovery (CiFAR) and Transparency International, co-hosted a two-day workshop on the Common Africa Position on Asset Recovery (CAPAR) and Asset Recovery in Africa, held in Nairobi, Kenya on April 25-26, 2024. It brought together policymakers, regional bodies, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to engage in collaborative Read more about <strong>Strengthening Asset Recovery in Africa: Multistakeholder Dialogue on the Implementation of CAPAR and Asset Recovery Initiatives</strong>[…]

Regional Workshop on CAPAR and Asset Recovery in Africa – Nairobi, Kenya

On the 25th and 26th April 2024, regional bodies, parliamentary networks, asset recovery interagency networks, and civil society representatives will gather in Nairobi, Kenya for the Regional workshop on the Common Africa Position on Asset Recovery (CAPAR) and Asset Recovery in Africa. The event is organised by the CAPAR Civil Society Network, Civil Forum for Read more about Regional Workshop on CAPAR and Asset Recovery in Africa – Nairobi, Kenya[…]

Demystifying CAPAR and why it matters for civil society

Illicit financial flows (IFFs) are a significant obstacle to Africa’s development, as they drain essential resources. To confront this challenge, the African Union took concrete steps, starting with the adoption of the Special Declaration on Illicit Financial Flows in January 2015. This declaration endorsed the recommendations of the African Union/United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s Read more about <strong>Demystifying CAPAR and why it matters for civil society</strong>[…]

Fondos de Retorno Independientes: Presentación de dos nuevos informes

22 de febrero de 2024 CiFAR y Transparencia Internacional Venezuela lanzan hoy dos nuevos informes: Estos informes responden a los esfuerzos en curso para establecer el Fondo para la Protección Social del Pueblo de Venezuela, que se espera que transfiera hasta 3.000 millones de USD al pueblo de Venezuela en los próximos años. El Fondo Read more about <strong>Fondos de Retorno Independientes: Presentación de dos nuevos informes</strong>[…]

Independent return funds: launch of two new reports

22 February 2024 Today CiFAR and Transparency International Venezuela launch two new reports: These reports respond to the efforts underway to establish the Fondo para la Protección Social del Pueblo de Venezuela, whichis expected to transfer up to USD 3 billion to the people of Venezuela in the coming years. The Fund is the result Read more about <a><strong>Independent return funds: launch of two new reports</strong></a>[…]

CiFAR launches its Strategy 2024-2027

Today, CiFAR has launched its new strategy – Ready for Action. Our strategy builds on the work we have done since 2016 to support more citizen and civil society engagement in asset recovery and looks to further position us as leaders in forward thinking about transparency, accountability and participation in the recovery of the proceeds Read more about CiFAR launches its Strategy 2024-2027[…]