Angola and Mozambique: Asset Recovery Workshop Programme (Online)

In September and October 2024, CiFAR is running an Asset Recovery Workshop Programme (online) designed to support civil society in Angola and Mozambique, in cooperation with local partners: Fórum de Monitoria do Orçamento, Centro de Integridade Pública, Associação OMUNGA, Pro Bono Angola, Associação Mãos Livres e UYELE, Associação Cívica. Asset recovery is a complex and Read more about Angola and Mozambique: Asset Recovery Workshop Programme (Online)[…]

Asset Recovery in Angola: CSOs demand clarity on the recovery of assets of Isabel dos Santos in Portugal

Mãos Livres, Omunga, Pro Bono Angola and Uyele, Angolan civil society organisations currently working with CiFAR under the ongoing Capacity Support Framework, have written an open letter to the Attorneys General of Angola and Portugal demanding clarity about the asset recovery processes related to Isabel dos Santos, the daughter of former president José Eduardo dos Read more about Asset Recovery in Angola: CSOs demand clarity on the recovery of assets of Isabel dos Santos in Portugal[…]

Regional Workshop on CAPAR and Asset Recovery in Africa – Nairobi, Kenya

On the 25th and 26th April 2024, regional bodies, parliamentary networks, asset recovery interagency networks, and civil society representatives will gather in Nairobi, Kenya for the Regional workshop on the Common Africa Position on Asset Recovery (CAPAR) and Asset Recovery in Africa. The event is organised by the CAPAR Civil Society Network, Civil Forum for Read more about Regional Workshop on CAPAR and Asset Recovery in Africa – Nairobi, Kenya[…]

Fondos de Retorno Independientes: Presentación de dos nuevos informes

22 de febrero de 2024 CiFAR y Transparencia Internacional Venezuela lanzan hoy dos nuevos informes: Estos informes responden a los esfuerzos en curso para establecer el Fondo para la Protección Social del Pueblo de Venezuela, que se espera que transfiera hasta 3.000 millones de USD al pueblo de Venezuela en los próximos años. El Fondo Read more about <strong>Fondos de Retorno Independientes: Presentación de dos nuevos informes</strong>[…]

Independent return funds: launch of two new reports

22 February 2024 Today CiFAR and Transparency International Venezuela launch two new reports: These reports respond to the efforts underway to establish the Fondo para la Protección Social del Pueblo de Venezuela, whichis expected to transfer up to USD 3 billion to the people of Venezuela in the coming years. The Fund is the result Read more about <a><strong>Independent return funds: launch of two new reports</strong></a>[…]

What are countries doing to investigate and confiscate sanctioned assets belonging to Russian oligarchs?

Information and references referred to in this blog can be found in this Overview Country Table To answer this question, CiFAR has recently conducted research published in a report From Sanctions to Investigations. Legislation, policy and practice linking investigations into the origins of sanctioned assets and recommendations for governments to strengthen the investigation and confiscation Read more about <strong>What are countries doing to investigate and confiscate sanctioned assets belonging to Russian oligarchs?</strong>[…]

Shining a Light on the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Kenya: CiFAR Launches Two New Reports

Over the past twenty years, Kenya has seen a number of financial crime- and corruption-related scandals involving large sums of money. The recovery of stolen assets plays a vital role in the fight against corruption, ensuring that stolen funds are returned to their rightful owners and reinforcing transparency and accountability within the nation. In Kenya, Read more about <strong>Shining a Light on the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Kenya: CiFAR Launches Two New Reports</strong>[…]


Is it possible to confiscate sanctioned assets and use them for public good? How to do this quickly and without compromising the rule of law? These are some of the questions that CiFAR has been trying to understand since the freezing of Tunisian, Egyptian and Ukrainian assets under the EU’s misappropriation sanctions. These questions became Read more about <strong>FINANCIAL INVESTIGATIONS AS A FIRST STEP TO RECOVER SANCTIONED ASSETS</strong>[…]

Statement of the CAPAR Civil Society Network at the Continental Symposium on AUCPCC, 20 Years After: Achievements and Prospects

Arusha, 10 July 2023 The CAPAR Civil Society Network, formed of civil society organisations across Africa and facilitated by CiFAR – Civil Forum for Asset Recovery, congratulates the African Union on the successful organisation of the “Continental Symposium on AUCPCC, 20 Years After: Achievements and Prospects”. The CAPAR Civil Society (CSO) Network was formed at Read more about <strong>Statement of the CAPAR Civil Society Network at the Continental Symposium on AUCPCC, 20 Years After: Achievements and Prospects</strong>[…]