Maximizing the Value and Impact of Recovered Assets Through Streamlined End-Use

Written by Lewis Kundai, CiFAR. Background Last month, the Kenyan Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) handed over proceeds from corruption recoveries, including 511.4 million shillings (USD 3.96 million) in cash and 35 title deeds for 18.71 acres valued at 5.5 billion shillings (USD 42.7 billion). This action highlights the agency’s focus on asset recovery as Read more about Maximizing the Value and Impact of Recovered Assets Through Streamlined End-Use[…]

A Framework for the Distribution of Recovered Assets to Communities in Kenya

Read the full policy brief Kenya’s efforts in combatting economic crimes in recent years have yielded significant recoveries both internationally and domestically. Several cases instituted by law enforcement agencies concerning the proceeds of economic crimes are currently ongoing in the courts, including some linked to county governments. With the decentralization of administrative powers to counties, as Read more about <strong>A Framework for the Distribution of Recovered Assets to Communities in Kenya</strong>[…]

Asset Management in Kenya

Over the past decade, Kenya has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to prioritizing asset recovery within its broader anti-corruption and anti-money laundering initiatives. Recognizing these efforts, the 2022 Financial Action Taskforce (FATF) Mutual Evaluation Report by the Eastern and Southern African Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG) commended the government’s strides in enhancing both institutional and legislative frameworks. Read more about Asset Management in Kenya[…]

New project spotlight: Corruption in Paradise

How is illicit finance affecting the housing market in cities, what can cities do to challenge illicit financial flows that are affecting their real estate markets and what is the role of real estate agents in this? While these are typically questions thought of in global financial centres – think London, Paris or Hong Kong Read more about <strong>New project spotlight: Corruption in Paradise</strong>[…]

Shining a Light on the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Kenya: CiFAR Launches Two New Reports

Over the past twenty years, Kenya has seen a number of financial crime- and corruption-related scandals involving large sums of money. The recovery of stolen assets plays a vital role in the fight against corruption, ensuring that stolen funds are returned to their rightful owners and reinforcing transparency and accountability within the nation. In Kenya, Read more about <strong>Shining a Light on the Recovery of Stolen Assets in Kenya: CiFAR Launches Two New Reports</strong>[…]

The Jersey Return: Public Participation and Transparency Lessons

The announcement of the Jersey return of GBP 3 million  – the latest cross border return to Kenya – was welcomed with pomp and gladness by Kenyans in general, because these had been a long coming return! The signing and announcement of the Agreement for the recovery, transfer, repatriation, disposition and management of recovered asset Read more about The Jersey Return: Public Participation and Transparency Lessons[…]

Returning assets indirectly through third-party entities

Read our new report – Indirect Asset Return Through Third-Party Entities Indirect return mechanisms describe the practice of returning recovered money across borders indirectly via third-party entities that stand between cooperating governments. These entities might be called in to aid in the negotiations, as well as in the process of the distribution of the returned Read more about Returning assets indirectly through third-party entities[…]