This is a collection of principles developed by civil society and government on the return of assets confiscated under the UNCAC process, i.e. the confiscated proceeds of corruption.
Common African Position on Asset Recovery
The CAPAR sets out the recommended measures and actions required to effectively address the continuous loss of African assets and to effectively identify, recover and manage African assets that are in, or recovered from, foreign jurisdictions, in a manner that respects the development priorities and sovereignty of Member States.
Year: 2020
Civil Society Principles for Accountable Asset Return
The Civil Society Principles for Accountable Asset Return have been developed through a consultative, year-long process involving civil society organizations from across the globe. They are minimum, framework standards and are designed to be supplemented by country and case specific detail by civil society.
Year: 2019
Framework for the Return of Assets from Corruption and Crime in Kenya
The FRACCK Agreement is a set of principles agreed between the governments of Switzerand, the UK, Jersey and Kenya to govern the return of assets to Kenya from those countries. It is open for other governments to join.
Year: 2018
Transparency International France’s Principles and Proposals for the Return of Assets
While aimed at a French audience, this collection of principles and proposals has applicability in most returns. It covers 5 key principles that should govern the allocation of assets derived from grand corruption and a scheme for the allocation of the proceeds of grand corruption
Year: 2017
GFAR Principles for Disposition and Transfer of Confiscated Stolen Assets in Corruption Cases
These principles, annexed to the final comminque of the Global Forum on Asset Recovery represent the view of the GFAR countries (Nigeria, Tunisia, Sri Lanka and Ukraine), as well as the hosts (the UK and the US) on how stolen money shoud be returned. They should therefore be understood as an important set of criteria for use in other cases.
Year: 2017
UNCAC Coalition: Civil Society Statement for the Global Forum on Asset Recovery
This statement contains several key principles agreed by civil society organisations involved in asset recovery, including on the return of stolen assets. It was prepared for the Global Forum on Asset Recovery, which took place in 2017.
Year: 2017