This section contains standards and principles on the role of civil society and asset recovery. This includes guides of both government and civil society, as well as principles on civil society and asset recovery.
Civil society organisations and asset recovery – a manual for action
With this manual, civil society organisations interested in starting work in the asset recovery field or strengthening current work will find concrete tips and ideas identified from interviews generously provided by CSO representatives and other experts familiar with asset recovery and from previous reference publications.
Year: 2022
Investigate: the manual
Over two volumes and available in English and French, this manual provides tools and resources for journalists looking into financial crime, illicit financial flows, cross-border corruption and asset recovery.
Year: 2022
Handbook for asset restitution: Good practices and recommendations for the responsible return of stolen assets
Drawing on lessons learnt from past experiences in asset recovery and based on several studies carried out abroad, Transparency International France has developed several indicators to measure the degree of transparency, accountability, and inclusiveness at each stage of the asset recovery process.
Year: 2022
ICAR, AFAR: Guide to the role of civil society organisations in asset recovery
This updated version of the 2012 guide covers the way civil society can and should be involved in asset recovery across four areas of work, and includes practical examples of how civil society has been involved in asset recovery.
Year: 2020
The Stolen Wealth. Opportunities and challenges for civil society in asset recovery
This paper, prepared by CiFAR in cooperation the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, explores the role that civil society organisations, independent journalists and researchers can and should play in the asset recovery process.
Year: 2019
International Centre for Asset Recovery, Arab Forum for Asset Recovery and the UK Government: Guide to the Role of Civil Society Organisations in Asset Recovery
This guide covers the way civil society can and should be involved in asset recovery across four areas of work, and includes practical examples of how civil society has been involved in asset recovery.
Year: 2012