CiFAR has today launched our new toolkit: Civil Society Organisations & Asset Recovery – A Manual for Action.
With this manual, civil society organisations interested in starting work in the asset recovery field or strengthening current work will find concrete tips and ideas identified from interviews generously provided by CSO representatives and other experts familiar with asset recovery and from previous reference publications.
The manual includes sections on:
- Why asset recovery and CSO engagement in asset recovery matters
- Understanding barriers to asset recovery
- How to get started with asset recovery
- Case studies of CSO engagement
- Ideas for engagement

Given the pragmatic approach in building this manual, an important aspect of the manual is to take local realities into full consideration, particularly in terms of the size of civic space in each given country and the stage in the asset recovery process that the CSO is seeking to engage in. It includes both ideas for areas CSOs could engage in and discussion and analysis taken from examples of CSO work on asset recovery.
You can download the manual here.